Colonel (Retired) Ken McCreedy, Ph.D. is the President and CEO of Maryland Cyber TRUST. He served 26 years in the United States Army, including tenures in command of a Signals Intelligence Battalion, a Director's Fellow at the National Security Agency, and ultimately, Commander of Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, home of the NSA and US CYBERCOM. He also served as the Executive Director for Cybersecurity and Aerospace Industry Sectors in the Maryland Department of Commerce.
Serving on the Board of Directors are:
Chris Marshall of Cisco Talos
Gregg Smith of TAC
Damian Doyle of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Chris Lanzilotta of Home Depot
Serving on our Advisory Board are:
Frank Grimmelman of the Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance
Jeremy Stanley of Cisco
Greg von Lehman of the Mayland Cyber Council and the University of Maryland Global Campus